Eating Out With Diabetes Can You Get Diabetes By Eating Ice Cream?

Can you get diabetes by eating ice cream? - eating out with diabetes

I ate an ice cream a lot lately. I asked myself, could have diabetes by the consumption of ice cream? Not that I want, or nothing.


Gary B said...


There is no food that causes diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by obesity. Even ice could be very overweight and diabetes. Otherwise you are eating too many vegetables, overweight, and could become diabetic.

that they are healthy, you can enjoy all foods in moderation. After one or two scoops of ice cream, not the whole room!

lilybell... said...

Diabetes is the time in. It's like a disease that can be taken, is a condition in which the system is not good enough for use of insulin for the body to regulate blood sugar levels.

Diabetes with increased BMI, especially a large amount of weight placed around the waist connected. They tend to get in the middle ages by years of poor diet and lack of exercise.

Nomad D said...


Myth No. 3 Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
No. Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle. However, being overweight increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you have a history of diabetes in the family, a healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight. "

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