Sclerosis Of The Liver My Aunt Was Discovered That She Has Diabetes Three To Five Years Ago. Now, She Has Liver Sclerosis, Why?

My aunt was discovered that she has diabetes three to five years ago. Now, she has liver sclerosis, why? - sclerosis of the liver

What is your relationship with your diabetes?


dwaraka n said...

Liver is the organ for the storage of sugar and there is no obstacle to the acceptance of glycemic control is --- a disease, show

dwaraka n said...

Liver is the organ for the storage of sugar and there is no obstacle to the acceptance of glycemic control is --- a disease, show

dwaraka n said...

Liver is the organ for the storage of sugar and there is no obstacle to the acceptance of glycemic control is --- a disease, show

gangadharan nair said...

Is the "sclerosing cholangitis or liver cirrhosis? There are diseases such as sclerosis of the liver.
Sclerosing cholangitis refers to chronic cholestatic syndrome characterized by patchy inflammation, fibrosis and stenosis of the intra-and extra-hepatic biliary disorders. Progress destroys the bile ducts and leads to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and sometimes a bile duct carcinoma.
Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrous scar tissue and regenerative nodules (bumps that lead as the result of a process) which regenerates damaged tissue occur characterized, to a progressive loss of liver function. Liver cirrhosis is the most common of alcoholism, hepatitis B and C and fatty liver disease, but causes a lot of other possibilities.

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